Help us re-open our Centre

Last news: We've found a New Home

Some optimistic news at a time of so much uncertainty in this turbulent world of ours.
The Valencia Sangha has found a place and we have raised enough for the purchase thanks to a loan from The Windhorse Trust and what we have received in donations.

Many thanks to all who have contributed so far.  It's made a difference
But now we need to get down to work to make the most of our good fortune.  We need to raise the money for the refurbishment of the premises. 

Our best estimate is that WE NEED AT LEAST 30,000 EUROS NOW. We want to be able to start work as soon as we get the keys. This will happen at the latest by mid - november.  We have a bit of time to raise this very important sum.
So I am calling on the generosity and solidarity of all our friends to help with the next stage of the project. Enough money to help us create the conditions for a beautiful and inspiring place for the Sangha and for anyone who wants to come into contact with the Buddha-Dharma
The place we have found is spacious, has natural light and is in a lively, young neighbourhood - but needs work.  We'll post some photos as soon as we can and hopefully will be arranging further fundraising events.  Watch this space.

Chair of the Valencia Buddhist Centre on behalf of the Centre Team


We have a solution:




We feel spiritually strong and eager and we know we can build on the natural response of solidarity in times of difficulty.
We think we have found the ideal space toegether with some options for a loan to make the purchase possible. We are asking for 50,000euros which will be used to pay all the costs incurred in the purchase, relocation and renovation of the new premises making them welcoming and beautiful, a fitting place for the practice of the Dharma,

The Buddhist Centre is the Sangha, and anyone who has participated in or benefitted from the Dharma is a member of the Sangha. Every contribution of whatever amount or whatever form is welcome and will help bring about the vision to keep the teaching of the Buddha available not only to the people of Valencia but to many more in the Spanish speaking world.

You can transfer to our bank account:
Name: Comunidad Budista Triratna Valencia
IBAN: ES96 3058 2229 0627 2002 2668

Or donate in this link


Valencia July 2020

You have arrived at this page because you are a friend of the Triratna Buddhist Community in Valencia. You may not have ever visited our Centre, or are not able to come very often – you may not even be a Buddhist, but we are in contact with you to communicate something of our vision and why we need your help.
You can contribute to the Triratna Buddhist Community in Valencia in its move to a new home. We need your support in raising the 50.000 euros required for the purchase and refurbishment of a new space.
Without the generosity of the sangha the activities of the Valencia Buddhist Centre would not be possible, and without our activities many of us would feel less able to understand and practise the Dharma and to live a better life. Your generosity is good and necessary to contribute to the changes we are undertaking, and we believe can be good for you too. A generous act can have such positive and far reaching effects, and not just for for the one receiving it.

Can you share our Vision?

Change your mind / change your life / change the world.

This has been our slogan which underpins the acftivities that we have carried out in our public centre in the city for the last 30 years, offering the opportunity to explore and practise meditation and buddhism in our daily lives.

Buddhism is a deeply transforming vision of existence that, whether you come or not to the centre, will affect you, affect the world and change it for the better. We care about you, care about building a better world for everyone, with more harmony, more awareness of nature, caring for animals, caring for ideas, caring for the future of us all. Whether you practise Buddhism or not, it bears you in mind and takes you into account. Your support and solidarity will make a real difference.


The problem

As a result of the Covid-19 crisis many people have lost much and continue to suffer the consequences in different ways. For the Triratna community in Valencia it meant we had to curtail our activities to the extent we were unable to raise enough to pay our running costs. We had to leave the place where we could meet together and participate in activities which touched our hearts; the place where we had grown as individuals and had met people who became close friends; between whose walls we had experienced joy, celebration, progress, where the Dharma had given meaning to each of our lives as well as that of so many who came through our doors.

So now we are without a home and we need your support in order to continue doing what we have been doing for the development, happiness and benefit of all beings,


We have a solution:




We feel spiritually strong and eager and we know we can build on the natural response of solidarity in times of difficulty.

We think we have found the ideal space toegether with some options for a loan to make the purchase possible. We are asking for 50,000euros which will be used to pay all the costs incurred in the purchase, relocation and renovation of the new premises making them welcoming and beautiful, a fitting place for the practice of the Dharma,


The Buddhist Centre is the Sangha, and anyone who has participated in or benefitted from the Dharma is a member of the Sangha. Every contribution of whatever amount or whatever form is welcome and will help bring about the vision to keep the teaching of the Buddha available not only to the people of Valencia but to many more in the Spanish speaking world.


You can transfer to our bank account:

Name: Comunidad Budista Triratna Valencia

IBAN: ES96 3058 2229 0627 2002 2668

Or donate in this link


Thanks in advance - please donate what you can. your grain of sand is a grain of gold.